Hearing Protection

Prolonged noise exposure is a major cause of hearing loss, often unnoticed until significant damage has occurred. This underscores the importance of effective hearing protection. At Blue Ridge Hearing, we prioritize your auditory health by offering a wide range of solutions designed to protect your hearing. From custom earplugs for industrial environments to specialized protection for musicians and athletes, we have options to fit your specific needs and lifestyle. Our team is dedicated to helping you choose the right protection, ensuring your hearing remains protected for the future.

Who Should Consider Hearing Protection?

Construction sites, airports and factories are notorious for their sound levels. In some situations, hearing protection is mandated at the federal or company level. Without these protections, workers would spend every day putting their hearing health at risk.

Noise levels can quickly get out of hand in any situation where the exposure isn’t regulated. This puts the responsibility of hearing protection on the individual when there are no mandates in place. Concert-goers, musicians and anyone that enjoys loud recreational activities has to make a judgement call about hearing protection. There are no downsides to being protected, and the long-term benefits are undeniable.

Types of Hearing Protection Products

Generic variants can provide minor protection in most situations. But custom hearing protection is designed from the ground up to suit the individual needs and preferences of the wearer. The types of products in this category can range from disposable brands, to more high-end daily wear options. Affordability, comfort and ease of use is always the top priority of hearing protection products.

Hearing protection is designed to meet a range of jobs, hobbies and lifestyles, including:

  • Hunting/Clay Shooting
  • Concert goers
  • Musicians
  • Sleeping
  • Swimming
  • Surfing
  • Racing
  • Occupational


Earplugs are one of the most common forms of protection for hearing. The plugs are available in different styles, with special features that benefit specific environments. Musician’s earplugs are great for creating music in the studio without any limitations. Swimmer’s earplugs keep water out of the ear, while motorcycle earplugs prevent wind buffeting. Both basic and advanced protection options can be used as a way to nullify harmful sounds.


Earmolds are another form of hearing protection that offer a versatile solution against loud sounds. Since they are an exact mold of the ear, the design is built for comfort and fit. Earmolds can be worn for hours without feeling like they are getting in the way. With the right design, an earmold will feel like a natural part of the wearer’s body. Earmolds are a good upgrade from earplugs and can offer more protection from specific sound frequencies.